Home Care Day at the Capitol 2022 Recap

Home Care Day at the Capitol 2022 Recap
On Wednesday, January 19, 2022, more than a dozen Florida home care professionals were at the State Capitol to discuss key policy issues and legislation impacting the home care provider community during HCAF's annual Home Care Day advocacy event. This year, we met with 33 key lawmakers and visited the offices of over 50 more to achieve the following policy goals:
- Increase Medicaid reimbursement rates to cover the $15 minimum wage and combat the health care workforce shortage;
- Expedite the Agency for Health Care Administration's (AHCA) application review and disbursement process so that one-time federal funding to support Medicaid home- and community-based services is in providers' hands before this summer; and
- Block additional and unnecessary staff training requirements related to Alzheimer's disease and dementia.
Click here to view a complete list of legislation we are tracking to learn more.
Before attending meetings at the Capitol, advocates were trained by HCAF staff, reviewed current legislation, and learned how to connect their agency and patient/client stories to public policy priorities from State Representative Joe Harding (who is also a home care provider!). Additionally, advocates witnessed the policymaking process up close by attending legislative health care committee meetings.
Held each year during the 60-day Florida Legislative Session, Home Care Day is a unique opportunity to demonstrate our sector's value proposition to patients, families, and taxpayers by connecting the home care provider community to legislators in Tallahassee.
We invite Florida home care professionals to join us at a future advocacy event to help make our collective voices heard. Thank you again to everyone who participated!
Couldn't Attend? It's Not Too Late to Take Action!
Quickly and Easily Contact Your Lawmakers – If you were unable to join us, you can still make your voice heard to your lawmakers in just a few quick and easy steps! Click here to send an email to your Senator and Representative urging their support for the home care industry's top policy priority to increase Medicaid reimbursement rates.
Back the [Home Care] PAC's Fundraising Campaign – Once lawmakers adjourn the legislative session in March, they will be in full campaign mode for the 2022 election. With Governor Ron DeSantis, the Cabinet, and all 160 legislative seats on the ballot, the Home Care Political Action Committee (PAC) needs the support of every Florida home care business and professional to protect our sector and the patients/clients who depend on in-home care services. Our fundraising goal is $50,000 and we're about halfway there. Please click here to make a financial contribution today (and consider giving monthly) to help elect home care champions and save our seat at the policymaking table.