Ray Rodrigues Named Home Health Care Legislator of the Year

Ray Rodrigues Named Home Health Care Legislator of the Year
By Phil Ammann, Florida Politics (July 30, 2015)
- Read online: https://floridapolitics.com/archives/187368-ray-rodrigues-named-home-health-care-legislator-of-the-year/
Florida’s leading association of home care providers has selected state Rep. Ray Rodrigues as its 2015 Legislator of the Year.
Each year, the Home Care Association of Florida honors an individual lawmaker that “exhibited energy, dedication and steadfast leadership” for the state’s home care providers and patients.
The 2015 award was presented to Rodrigues, an Estero Republican, at the HCAF Annual Conference held Wednesday in Orlando. More than 700 Florida home health industry leaders attended the event.
“It’s time our lawmakers come up with viable solutions to deal with the rising senior population here in Florida and their health care needs,” said HCAF Director of Communications & Government Affairs Leanne Norr. “Representative Rodrigues not only understands the challenges that Florida home care patients face, but he has proactively supported 21st-century solutions to enhance quality and access to care, like telemedicine practices.”
Norr praised Rodrigues’ “staunch commitment” to decreasing government regulations on the home health industry. She noted his support of HB 441, which Norr said saved thousands of dollars, allowing home care agencies keep doors open for patients at a time when they faced “more stifling government regulations” than ever.
“The home care industry has proved that it can provide cost-effective, high-quality health care to Florida residents,” Rodrigues said in accepting the award. “It’s our moral obligation to make sure that Florida patients get high-quality care at affordable rates.
“Implementing policies that allow home health agencies to expand, hire more healthcare professionals, and care for more patients not only helps more people stay healthy, but it also contributes to a healthy Florida economy,” he added.
In the 2015 legislative session, Rodrigues pushed for the passage of HB 441, the top priority of the home care industry. HB 441 eliminated quarterly reporting requirements for home health agencies, allowing more companies to continue operating without additional government fines.