Solutions for Care, Inc.

Solutions for Care, Inc.
Accreditation Consulting Firm
Solutions for Care, Inc is a consulting company specializing in community-based health care and care management for over 20 years. Senior Consultant and CEO, Nancy E. Allen BSN, RNC, CMC brings her experience in clinical, administrative, education, provider, as a state and accreditation surveyor, OIG monitor and a Medicare Hearing Officer to produce outcome driven results for providers. Nancy is the author of numerous healthcare publications including the book Survivor! Ten Practical Steps to Survey Survival which has helped many achieve deficiency-free surveys.
Additional Info
Consultant, Surveyor
Membership Type
Nancy Allen
Administration/ManagementAdministrativeClinical OversightCommunicationsComplianceConsultantEducation/TrainingGovernment/Regulatory AffairsNursingHome Health Agency: Medicaid CertifiedHome Health Agency: Medicare CertifiedHome Health Agency: Private DutyHomemaker Companion Company: Private Duty
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