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Register Now for Spring 2023 Home Care Advocacy Events in Tallahassee & Washington

Register Now for Spring 2023 Home Care Advocacy Events in Tallahassee & Washington

Medicare Medicaid Private Duty Government Affairs & Advocacy

The home care provider community is facing multiple challenges across all business lines. Medicare home health providers are already enduring devastating payment cuts due to the 2023 payment rule. Medicaid reimbursement rates continue to be woefully inadequate, compounded by the $15 minimum wage mandate that took effect last fall. The health care workforce shortage crisis persists. Despite unprecedented demand for home care services, our provider community urgently needs more robust policy support to address these and other pressing challenges.

Please join home care industry advocates from throughout Florida and the nation at an upcoming advocacy event to share real-world stories about how home care has benefited your patients/clients. There is no registration cost, but attendees are responsible for their expenses (e.g., travel, lodging, meals).

For more information, please contact Kyle Simon, Director of Government Affairs and Communications, at (850) 222-8967 or

HCAF Advocacy Day (March 21-22 in Tallahassee)

HCAF's Home Care Day at the Capitol will take place in Tallahassee on March 21-22. This annual advocacy event coincides with the 60-day legislative session. HCAF will host a welcome reception and policy briefing on Tuesday, March 21 to prepare you and answer any questions you may have. HCAF is thrilled to welcome State Representative John Snyder (pictured) as this year's special guest speaker at the reception and briefing. HCAF staff will pre-schedule all legislative meetings and provide you with a schedule at the welcome reception and policy briefing. Advocates will be assigned to a group with an experienced leader for legislative meetings at the capitol on Wednesday, March 22.

Registration is required for this event. Click here to learn more and register.

Medicaid Advocacy Day (March 16 in Tallahassee)

Along with HCAF's advocacy day in Tallahassee, a coalition of Medicaid providers specializing in Private Duty Nursing (PDN) services for medically fragile children will hold a separate advocacy day on March 16. Come raise your voice to ensure families have access to the quality in-home nursing they need. Together, advocates will seek legislative support for a much-needed increase to the Medicaid fee-for-service reimbursement rate for nursing services, which will be critical to addressing the ongoing nursing workforce crisis and wage disparity in the home care industry.

Registration is required for this event. Click here to learn more and register.

Federal Advocacy Day (March 27-28 in Washington, D.C.)

On the federal front, the National Association for Home Care & Hospice (NAHC) March on Washington will take place in our nation's capital on March 27-28. NAHC will host a welcome reception and policy briefing on Monday, March 27 to prepare you and answer any questions you may have. NAHC staff will pre-schedule all legislative meetings and provide you with a schedule at the welcome reception and policy briefing. Advocates will be assigned to a group with an experienced leader for legislative meetings at the capitol on Tuesday, March 28.

Registration is required for this event. Click here to learn more and register.

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